Ribosomal RNA

  • 网络核糖体RNA
Ribosomal RNARibosomal RNA
  1. The Restriction Map of Ribosomal RNA Gene in Silkworm Attacus ricini


  2. Preparation of Low - molecular Weight Ribosomal RNA from Chloroplast


  3. A third class of RNA is also required for protein synthesis , the ribosomal RNA .


  4. Direct Cloning of Bacterial Genes From Soil & 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene as a Model


  5. Study on the Sedimentation Coefficient of Ribosomal RNA from Saccharomyces cerevisiae


  6. Application of ribosomal RNA gene ITS and IGS regions in the molecular identification and classification fungi


  7. Studies on the control mechanism of genetic transcription during rat liver carcinogenesis & ⅱ comparison of ribosomal RNA


  8. The detection of ribosomal RNA gene amplification during mouse oogenesis


  9. It will provide groundwork for the amplification of ribosomal RNA gene and sequence analysis . 2 .


  10. Erythrocytes recently released by the bone marrow into the bloodstream often contain ribosomal RNA .


  11. However , 18S ribosomal RNA ( rRNA ) usually be used as an internal control in real-time RT-PCR systems .


  12. Nematode Diversity of Qingdao Coast Determined by PCR Retrieving and Sequencing of 18S Ribosomal RNA Gene Fragments


  13. Analyses of small subunit ribosomal RNA sequence of the microsporidium , Nosema bombycis and its secondary structure


  14. However , false-positives can not be avoided when bacterial ribosomal RNA gene was amplified with universal primers .


  15. Objective : To determine whether there is ribosomal RNA genes ( rDNAs ) amplification during early mouse oogenesis .


  16. Isolation and purification of 5S ribosomal RNA from the rhesus monkey ( macaca mulatta ) liver


  17. Bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA ( hereafter rDNA ) genes were PCR amplified from soil DNA , and cloned without artificial cultivation .


  18. And ribosomal RNA ( rRNA ) has a structural role forming part of the ribosome & the machinery that converts RNA into protein .


  19. Characterisation of microsporidian species and differentiation among genetic variants of the same species has typically relied on ribosomal RNA ( rRNA ) gene sequences .


  20. Objective : To detect and observe types and transcription dynamics of small subunit ribosomal RNA ( SSUrRNA ) of Plasmodium berghei in Anopheles stephensi .


  21. Chromosomal satellite & A small mass of chromatin containing genes for ribosomal RNA , at the end of the short arm of each chromatid of an acrocentric chromosome ;


  22. Cloning and Characterization of 18S 、 28S and 5.8S Ribosomal RNA Genes and Internal Transcribed Spacers of Seven Species / strains in Genus Prorocentrum


  23. The application of molecular biotechnology such as molecule marker and the small subunit ribosomal RNA ( SSU rRNA ) in the research of ruminal protozoal was reviewed .


  24. Mitochondrial small subunit ribosomal RNA ( 12S rRNA ) gene has been used for phylogenetic analyses of a wide range of species and divergence levels for their universal occurrence , sequence and structure conservation and abundance .


  25. The ribosome-inactivating proteins ( RIPs ) from plants damage large ribosomal RNA of prokaryocyte or eukaryocyte , arresting the binding of ribosomes with elongation factors in translation , and inhibiting the protein synthesis .


  26. We examined the COI , nuclear genome ribosomal RNA spacer ( ITS ) and mitochondrial ribosomal large subunit ( 16S ) of three fragments in the molecular identification of Medusa as a means of effectiveness .
